fee and support

Conference fee details

The conference fee is EUR 200 paid by May 15, 2021. It covers the conference materials, attendance of the CMSC programme activities, lunches, coffee breaks and the conference dinner.

The accompanying person fee is EUR 80. It covers lunches, coffee breaks and the conference dinner.

There is no fee for people participating in the Open Community Day (3 July) only.

On Tuesday, 6th July, there will be a discussion meeting (FPT Workshop) on Multivariate Algorithmics: Fresh Ideas and New Results, from 9:30 AM to 4 PM. The fee is EUR 20, which covers the lunch and coffee breaks.


We are in position to waive the conference fee for some participants
and offer a few travel grants (up to EUR 200) for young researchers.
If you are a teacher/student/young researcher without institutional
support, please write to us at cmsc.poznan@gmail.com at your earliest
convenience but not later than on April 30th providing short
information on your situation and your scientific or education


The conference fee can be paid either by a bank transfer or credit card.

Bank transfer

The details will be given soon.

Credit card

The details will be given soon.