CMSC’21 Teaser
In order to feel the spirit of CMSC, a short (3 hours) online event was held on July 3, 2020. Invited speakers gave short presentations 15-20 minutes, each, with an opportunity for Q&A discussion. We enjoyed a friendly sharing of new ideas. It was a teaser of the fifth CMCS conference. The event was chaired by Frances Rosamond (University of Bergen) and Brett Stephenson (University of Tasmania).
- The Power behind the Power Point Judith Gal-Ezer (Open University of Israel)
- Math through dance: A translation Katarina Cheng (California, USA)
- CS Unplugged: Update from New Zealand Tim Bell (University of Canterbury, New Zealand)
- Dance and mathematics. Patterns in concert Karl Schaffer (De Anza College in Cupertino, California)
- Lambdaensemble Julia Hybiak, Michal Janocha and Wojciech Kaszuba (Adam Mickiewicz University and Acadamy of Music in Poznan, Poland)
- I AM A.I. — explaining artificial intelligence through interactive applications, games and stories Andreas Daniel Matt (Germany)
- Mathematical puzzles in education Jerzy Pogonowski (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland)
- Internet security and cryptography Rohan Jha (New Jersey, USA)
- Enigma codebreakers Pawel Perekietka and Michal Ren (KSW High School in Poznan and Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Polan)
- Conflict models by graphs Frances Rosamond (University of Bergen, Norway)
Part 1: Judith Gal-Ezer, Katarina Cheng, Tim Bell
Part 2: Karl Schaffer (The Dr. Schaffer and Mr. Stern Dance Ensemble)
Part 3: Julia Hybiak+Michał Janocha+Wojciech Kaszuba, Andreas Daniel Matt, Jerzy Pogonowski
Part 4: Rohan Jha, Michal Ren+Paweł Perekietka, Frances Rosamond